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Add Desert environment for level editor Grass Tuft Desert + Curly Desert variants Desert Wall, Desert Wall Battlement, Desert Wall Window Krolmar Peasant, Krolmar Spear Knight, Krolmar Gerenuk Rider Key in krolmar vault level ignored by splash forceįor modders: Make LevelXMLLoader public instead of internal so mods can access it Made automation blocks with dials place upright when on top of the machine per default Making preextension work while bounds are disabled and allow intersection enabled, even if something is in the way to be consistent with when bounds are enabled. Valfross unlock text is now "CONQUER TOLBRYND TO UNLOCK" in title screenįixed some display issues on the krolmar level select in terms of conquered markingįixed altimeter height being displaying wrongly in misty mountain

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Setting no emulate key will now not throw errorsįixed World Conquerer achievement firing in first Krolmar zone

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Fixed 'Stuck on Initializing' issue by ignoring the RemoteFile logic when CloudSaving is turned off

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